Embody Your Own Sensuality

Becoming more sensual within your own skin is a beautiful thing. There's a whole world of senses and feelings to explore and pleasures to hone in on.

There needs to be a certain balance between soft and hard pleasures. Our mind, body and soul are tuned to everyday pleasures that slowly increase our sensuality over time. This could be something as small as smelling your partner's favourite cologne and it giving you pleasure.

Harder pleasures are what the soul hungers for. What we want deep down, inside the very essence of our being. They satisfy our urges and help us to grow as a spiritual and sexual being. Harder pleasures are stronger pleasures like mind-blowing sex or stuffed crust pizza.  

The life force inside of us hungers to be set free and awakened through the various pleasures that are available to us. Mindfulness is the key; paying attention to ourselves and what sets us free.

Solo Play

Pour yourself a glass of wine and seek pleasure within yourself. Throw on a little Alina Baraz and listen to her smooth voice. Take a relaxing bath, then lay down naked on your sheets and adore yourself. Go to where your mind (and body) takes you.

Feel beautiful fabrics between your fingers and all over you. The soft feel of silk should make you feel sexy and ready to ramp your solo play to the next level.

Two's Company

Aside from meditating with one another, being sensual with your partner is just about as intimate as it gets.

Feeling the soft skin of your lover's body as you run your fingertips across their back. Feeling their breath on you as they hold you close. A soft kiss here and a gentle lick there.

Everyone likes having their hair stroked, Right? We know that we do. It's a lovely feeling to be held by your partner, while they stroke your hair and appreciate all of you for your entirety. Gratitude and reciprocating back to your partner will enhance the pleasure. Be grateful that they exist (and that they're playing with your hair.)

Caring is Sharing

Do you feel good when you're giving something? That feel-good factor is a release of endorphins in the brain.

When you're giving inside and outside of the bedroom, you're awakening your own pleasure. From spending time in bed with your lover to cooking them a delicious meal. Giving from the heart heightens our sensual ability.

Orgasmic Words

Poetry is popular again—writing sensual words about romance, sex and the pleasures of the world is a beautiful way to give your sensuality a boost. Write some sensual words for your lover and send them on over by sliding into their DMs.

Lie down and read your favourite romantic poet's work, while naked. Embody your sensuality by digesting the words as they enter your mind and feed your soul.   

Invite Pleasure

Manifesting your own pleasure is a great way to become more abundant in it. Practice receiving pleasure every day and you'll invite more of it into your life.

Whether you're lighting scented candles or eating your favourite orange flavoured chocolate. When you enjoy pleasures and affirm to yourself that they are good for the betterment of your being, you welcome more of them into your life.

Enjoy yourselves and see you around!





P.S. Check out weedcontrolsprayrigs - clothing for hugs that I have created to enjoy sensuality anywhere in secret :)

1 comment

Great Post. thanks for sharing.

paper plane design October 14, 2019

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